
Download BRSR Report

Principle 4

Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders Essential Indicators

The successful involvement of our stakeholders is essential to the achievement of our strategic goals because
it provides us with the opportunity to understand their expectations, respond to their concerns, and assist us
in prioritising the areas in which we should be concentrating our efforts. Our mechanism for engaging with
stakeholders is governed by our Stakeholder Engagement Policy (https://www.ambujacement.com/Upload/PDF/
Ambuja-Stakeholder-Engagement-policy-18-oct.pdf), which is further aligned with global best practises.
Ambuja identifies its stakeholders as groups and individuals, who can influence or/are impacted by our operations/
activities, change in technology, regulations, market and societal trends either directly or indirectly. Stakeholders
comprise of communities, employees, supply chain partners, customers, investors, regulators, industrial
organisations etc.
Against each group, the potential ways in which stakeholders will be affected as well as the magnitude of both
the actual and perceived impacts have been determined. This assists the company in developing a bespoke plan
for engaging with stakeholders, which can then be kept up to date as and when is necessary.
Throughout the course of the year, we maintain ongoing dialogue with the stakeholders by utilising a variety
of channels of contact. The insights that we gain from these projects are tremendously helpful, because they
allow us to continually enhance both our strategy and our operations. The process of engaging stakeholders also
includes regular feedback and grievance redressal methods, both of which are vital components of the process.

Stakeholder Group
Whether identified as Vulnerable & Marginalised Group (Yes/No)
Channels of communication (Email, SMS, Newspaper, Pamphlets, Advertisement, Community Meetings, Notice Board, Website), Other
Frequency of engagement (Annually/ Half yearly/ Quarterly / others – please specify)
Purpose and scope of engagement including key topics and concerns raised during such engagement
Shareholders and Investors
  • Investor relations arm
  • Annual Report
  • Public disclosures
  • Investor meetings/calls
  • Quarterly/ annually as and
    when requested
  • One-on-one investor interaction
    as and when requested
  • To strengthen business conduct
    and communication
  • Growth and profitability of ESG
    oriented business.
Channel Partners
  • Channel satisfaction surveys
  • Annual conferences
  • Marketing meetings
  • Annual/continuous process
  • To enhance transparent
    communication of products
    and services
Government &
Regulatory Authorities
  • Annual Report
  • Plant visits
  • Regulatory Compliance reports
  • Continuous interactions
  • Climate change related
  • rules/regulations
  • Communications on proposed
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Formal and informal feedback
  • Technical services team camps
  • Products promotion drives
  • Grievances redressal system
  • Periodic
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Feedback on services/products
  • Understand grievances
  • Strengthen relationship with
  • Training and seminars
  • Meetings and reviews
  • HR programmes
  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Departmental meetings
  • Townhall meetings
  • Internal newsletters and magazines
  • Continuous interactions
  • Work-life balance
  • Transparent appraisal
    and promotion policy
  • Awareness on internal policies
  • Fair remuneration structure
  • Supplier meets
  • Periodic assessments and
  • interactions
  • Continuous interactions
  • Adherence to the
    supplier code of conduct
  • Strengthen business
  • Create awareness for
    sustainable supply chain
  • Project-based stakeholder meets
  • CSR arm
  • Community Advisory Pane
  • Continuous interactions
  • Need based
  • Increase transparency
    and clarity in shared
  • Media briefings
  • Press releases
  • Marketing communication
Construction professionals
  • Ambuja Knowledge Centre
  • Continuous interactions
  • Promote advanced
    construction techniques,
    sustainable construction practices,
    knowledge dissemination on good
    construction and
    product quality
Industry Association
  • Meetings/Conferences
  • Policy papers
  • Need based
  • Knowledge enhancement
    for policy interventions
    and policy advocacy on sustainable
    development practices
    in value chain